If only everyone were so nice. The people who meet at my house are so awesome. I love them. They really show good to me. God is surrounding us. Go moments are also amazing. The fact that I cannot really afford to buy Christmas presents for friends and then a teacher gives you a lot of stuff to choose from and to give.... is just AMAZING. Then if your mom needs help with recovering(long story) and this friend of ours is living with us and helping her to just ..... let go (and by the way: Everyone needs to learn that sometime). People need to be grateful for what they have and don't look at the expensive things in the store that are pointless. just be happy that you have a laptop to read this. or a house... maybe. and food even if there isn't a lot. just think that just because sometimes a dinner isn't made for you at dinner time you have clean water or lean cuisine to eat. I now this post sounds a little odd but I am just so happy that I have had a chance to meet so many people and go to so many places. AND yes sometimes jealousy does throw me off a ledge but then i can climb right back up because I have everything I need.
well I really need to go to bed. I have been staying up late and that is not very good for me cuz i have to get up early. Well i think i can wait 8-9 more day for Christmas and vacation. see i am grateful for vacation. simple things... Goodnight... I LOVE YOU!!! 11-11-09
cute :)